210th Knowledge Seekers Workshop – Feb 8, 2018

This weekly on-going public series of Knowledge Seekers Workshops brings us new teachings, universal knowledge and new understandings of true space technology to everyone on Earth direct from the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute. Each Thursday, at 9 am Central European Summer Time, we broadcast live, the latest news, developments, and M.T. Keshe teachings on our zoom channel and other public channels. (see below for channel links)

If you wish to discover and learn more, please see our many categories of videos on our Youtube Channel:


Become a student at the world’s first Spaceship Institute! For only 100 euros, you get a full calendar year of access to live and recorded private teachings. There are thousands of hours of extended Private Teachings stored in our private portal at the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute (KF SSI) that you have access to, and we teach Live classes six days a week in English, plus we also have live classes 7 days a week in 18+ languages. Apply today to become a student at the KF SSI. More information is at our website http://kfssi.org.

A direct link to Student Application Form is http://kfssi.org/study-apply.

Live Streaming Channels

Other important KF links:
http://keshefoundation.org/volunteer (instructions at the bottom)
http://keshefoundation.org/blueprint-download (download blueprints)
http://keshefoundation.org/study-apply (become a student of KF SSI Education)
http://keshefoundation.org/mozhan (become a MOZHAN)
http://keshefoundation.org/kfssi (KF SSI Education)
http://keshefoundation.org/ssi (SpaceShip Institute)

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