1982-0711 Kundalini from Anahata to Sahastrara, Public Program, CC, DP

Archive video: H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi at Sahaja Yoga Public Program 1982 in Guildhall Theatre, Derby (United Kingdom). Digitally improved file.
more at: https://www.amruta.org/p/1256
subtitles: http://nvportal.s3.amazonaws.com/video/W7ShMfYCF2c.zip
“The other day a gentleman came to Me and he told Me that “My guru has already given me the knowledge.” I said, “How?” “Because he told me, ‘I’ve given you the knowledge.’” I said, “But still, how is it, it is knowledge? How do you believe that he has given you the knowledge?” So he said, “No Mother, he touched me on my forehead and I saw a light.” I said, “Then still, you can see the light otherwise also. How is it you have got the knowledge?” So he started thinking about it. He said that “”What should happen If I get the knowledge?”
I said, “See, this is another person sitting next to you, he is a Sahaja Yogi. He knows what Kundalini is; also he knows how to raise your Kundalini. He knows what is your problem, what your chakras are catching. He also knows what are his problems.” So he asked Me, “How does he know?” I said, “He has become the knowledge.” As I yesterday I told you, that on your central nervous system you should be able to feel others and yourself which is inside.” – H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.
full transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13kZZ_Sp-0G8jkpBceL642hkX0XE3VvenrFsfZTC15cQ/pub

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